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A 100% Purely natural Way To Boost Your Visual acuity Beyond 20/20 The eyes do not function just by themselves. They are like one or two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, the eyes being a few pieces and the entire puzzle being your visual system as a whole having profound effects on the body, mind and spirit. All regions of the visual system the muscles that control the eyes and the eyes themselves, the neural pathways to the brain as well as the visual centers of the brain- all demand lots of precision, co-ordination and versatility to perform optimally. Due to such a vast array of aspects working as one it is quickly left open to damage and impact by tiredness and stress, whether its physical, emotional or mental. The visual system is also very sensitive to any nutritional deficiencies and imbalances that might be present in the body. Three components are involved in any holistic approach to visual therapy. 1. Physical vision 1. Physical eyesight involves more than just 20/20 vision. The act of physically visualizing an object involves three distinct skills: First, your mind selects what it wants to see from its total field of vision. Skill 1: Peripheral VS Central Balance Next, is the act of focusing itself, which is carried out in result of a signal from your brain. This second skill is that of Convergence Thirdly, the ciliary muscles in your eyes contract to change the shape of the jelly lens so you can see the object clearly. This is known as just ‘focusing’ In addition, the muscles in and around the eyes must be relaxed, toned and flexible. If you are not in a state of relaxation, your eyes will be subject to a multitude of problems, not least of which is an inability to focus.. A few examples of such problems include: headaches, eye strain, nausea and generally feeling unwell. 2. Inner vision is the MindÃs Eye in all its different aspects: memory, imagination, inner seeing, hopes and dreams. By using a holistic approach to visual enhancement, you will find yourself having better visualization abilities, improved memories, more vivid dreams and a more creative mind. Your attitudes about yourself and others will become more positive. You will have the power to destroy all those negative images in your mind and replace them with powerful images that can change your perspective of who you are. 3. Emotinoal seeing is the least important of the three, but still useful. By repairing your eyes, you will truly open those windows to the soul, allowing you to develop more powerful relationships with others by being more open and expressive with your eyes. Vision problems often appear when there is both prolonged stress in the visual system and improper visual/muscular habit patterns. This can lead to a vast range of eye conditions, a few of which include amblyopia, myopia and computer eye strain. Optical lenses are an excellent non-curative way to enable you to see. They sort of act like an aid - a sort of crutch that you come to rely on. However they do not attack the root cause of the problem. Rather than improve your eyesight, wearing eyeglasses can actually make your vision worse over time. Natural visual enhancement can help you to improve your vision so you either need thinner glasses or can even throw your glasses away completely. What you need to do, is to take the holistic approach and address your physical eyesight, inner vision and emotional seeing. The following article will show you how to do exactly that: Perfect Vision. |