DS10 Forum

Planning is now underway for DS10 in Reykjavík, Iceland in September 2010. We're currently accepting sponsorships and speaker submittals. Click here for more information..

DS09 Forum

Held September 14-15, 2009, DS09 was a major success with over 200 people in attendance from 25 countries. For a full summary of DS09 click here.

DS08 Forum

On September 14th and 15th 2009, leading international experts, policy makers and visionaries covered topics that included electric mobility, the future of biofuels and energy efficiency in land and sea transport, and the latest trends in urban planning, energy infrastructure and policy. Visit the DS08 website.

DS07 Forum

On September 14th and 15th 2009, leading international experts, policy makers and visionaries covered topics that included electric mobility, the future of biofuels and energy efficiency in land and sea transport, and the latest trends in urban planning, energy infrastructure and policy. Visit the DS07 website.

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A 100% Natural Means To Improve Your Eyesight Beyond 20/20

The eyes really don’t exist in seclusion. They are an integral part of your total being influenced by - and having an effect on - the body, spirit and behavior in a profound way.

All of the aspects that constitute the visual system the muscles that control the eyes and the eyes themselves, the nervous route to the visual cortex and the brain itself; need to function as part of a whole and not just one piece at a time, and so need much in-depth focus to present ideal functioning. Seeing that it is such a fragile system it is very vulnerable to worry, tension and lethargy of any kind, irrespective of the cause. Nutritional standards also play an important role in determining the functioning of your visual system.

Three components are involved in any holistic approach to natural vision improvement approach.

1. Physical seeing
2. Inner seeing
3. Emotional vision

1. Physical eyesight involves more than just 20/20 vision. The act of physically visualizing an object involves three distinct skills:

Initially, it is your mind that chooses what it actually wishes to see from its entire visual field. This poses as the initial physical skill - peripheral awareness

Next, is the act of focusing itself, which is carried out in result of a signal from your brain. This is the next step - Convergence or Binocularity

Next, your eye muscles either contract or relax to bring the object into visual focus. This skill is called accommodation

During these steps, the muscles of the eyes need to be free of tension and strain.

Tension, stress and imbalance in any of the three visual skills can lead to other visual difficulties in addition to focusing problems. Some of these difficulties might include: poor hand-eye co-ordination, poor depth perception and limited awareness of surroundings.

2. Inner vision is the Mindís Eye in all its different aspects: creativity, visualization, visual memory and dreams. With Better Vision your imagination and visualization will be more alive and vivid and your memory will become clearer. You will be able to take control of the images in your mind in a positive way that gives you positive results in the real world. By using special visualization techniques, you will be able to see yourself in a more clear and realistic light.

3. The use of our eyes as a tool for communcation and connecting with others is referred to as ‘emotional seeing’. Improving your emotional vision is to truly open those ‘windows to the soul’, truly giving you the chance to communicate and relate to others in a special way.

You often get problems with your eyesight when you are stressed out, and also - in the long term - when you develop poor visual habits. As a result of eye strain and poor eye habits, you can develop different eye conditions, a few of which include eye twitching, eye strain, ocular migraine, nearsightedness and more.

Glasses and contacts treat the symptoms of poor vision very effectively: when you put them on you temporarily get rid of poor vision. They don’t however, play any role in improving your eyesight by taking away the poor visual habits and stress & strain that caused your vision to fade in the first place. They do nothing to release the underlying stress or change the underlying patterns that caused the problem in the first place.

Natural visual enhancement can help you to improve your vision so you either need thinner glasses or can even throw your glasses away completely. What you need to do, is to take the whole-body approach and allow your eyes to be healed through a system of carefully designed eye exercises and routines that are designed to repair your eyesight to its former glory. Click the following link to discover more How To See Better Without Glasses.