

 Driving Sustainability ‘08 provided Toyota Motor Europe with an unique platform to present to a wider informed international public its hybrid technology as the core technology to achieve sustainable mobility. It allowed me as a presenter to meet some of the most eminent experts in the world in the field of sustainability. I was particularly pleased to see the direct support and direction given by the Icelandic Government and the President. The organisation was flawless. It combined in a natural and spontaneous fashion Nordic efficiency with a warm Icelandic human touch. It was a real privilege to represent Toyota at this very successful conference. 

—Piet Steel, Vice-President for European Affairs, Toyota Motor Europe


You folks were fantastic and managed to get well beyond "critical mass" at this conference. It was an awesome technical networking opportunity for everyone involved. I have never been to more enjoyable and productive conference before. At other conferences, you go to PowerPoint talks and then chat briefly in the hall with some "know nothings" in marketing or upper management. At the Driving Sustainability Conference, however, the actual "techno-geeks" get to meet face-to-face and put our heads together during lunches, dinners, and relaxed social gatherings that were an integral part of the conference.

—Bill Dubé, Creator of the Killacycle, World’s Fastest Electric Motorcycle

Iceland may become the first country in the world with a sustainably organized energy system. Fortunately, the 2007 Driving Sustainability conference has addressed the establishment of lasting solutions and not restricted itself to the promotion of the philosophical idea of a hydrogen economy. This is the merit of this remarkable Iceland conference. I hope that this spirit will be continued in 2008 and that it will spread to other parts of the world where energy solutions are also discussed

—Ulf Bossel, Ph.D. European Fuel Cell Forum


…a very good opportunity for me to meet people, both speakers and attendees, with deep knowledge and representing many aspects of e-mobility. The presentations covered a wide field of subjects of importance for the expanded use of electric vehicles. The arrangements were excellent and the opportunity to try different electric vehicles was much appreciated.

—Johan Tollin, Group Strategies R&D, Vattenfall AB, Sweden


 Excellent speakers and panels, Down to earth and practical thinking and the actual opening of an E85 fueling station in conjunction with the conference. I have never experienced such warm hospitality anywhere before. 

—Gustaf Landahl, Head of Department Planning & Environment, Environment and Health Administration, St


Exceptional team of experts covering various alternative fuels. The fact that Iceland is an island makes the whole setting extremely interesting as this society could serve as role model system for the rest of the world as a totally non fossil society!

—Per Carstedt, CEO, Sekab, Sweden, One of Europe’s Leading Ethanol Producers


Driving Sustainability was different from other conferences in that, in addition to informative presentations and useful networking, it included tangible steps toward a pioneering, carbon-free energy system in Iceland.

—Dr. Joel Swisher, Chief Technology Officer North America, Camco International Ltd

Informative presentations on various energy solutions followed by lively debates put the subject into very good context. Excellent speakers and a professional audience. I’m looking forward to this year’s conference.

—Sigurrós Pétursdóttir, Product Manager, Toyota Iceland


This conference has made the Government of Iceland even more determined in making this country oil independent.

—Össur Skarphéðinsson, Minister of Industry, Iceland


DS' 09 provided good platform to exchange ideas about electric vehicles and sustainable transportation. We are honored to have had this opportunity to share BYD's overview and solutions.

—Alex Zhu, BYD Auto Europe


The conference was good for decision makers that want to know about the status of biomethane and electric/hybrid vehicles and the current development trends.

—Bernt Svensén, Project Manager Biogas Väst


The conference gave a thorough, serious and insightful introduction to a range of different systems and the structural changes that politicians, public authorities, businesses and the general public need to deal with. The challenge of how to transport people and goods needs to be at the very center of the debate, as the transport sector has a great potential for reducing CO2-emissions. Fortunately, city regions around the world are deeply engaged in improving sustainable mobility - also for socio-economic reasons.

—Klaus Bondam, Technical and Environmental Mayor of Copenhagen, Denmark


This must be one of the best organised conferences on the international circuit: rich in content, focused in output, with plenty for technical expert and policy specialist alike - and set in stunning and stimulating Iceland, too!

—Stephen Stacey, General Manager Government & Technical Affairs, Toyota Motors Europe


A word from the Patron of Driving Sustainability.

Driving Sustainability has succeeded in becoming a unique international forum where experts, scientists, innovators, policymakers and business leaders come together and join forces through discussions and cooperation.

Iceland is an ideal location to host such a gathering of creative visionaries, a country which has moved within the lifetime of one generation from fossil fuel, oil and coal, to 100% clean-energy-based electricity production and space heating; a country which can realistically aim to become the first in the world to use only clean energy for all land-based activities.

Driving Sustainability enables us to examine how we can move forward together. It provides an inspiration and also demonstrates what can be done.

Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson
President of Iceland
Patron of Driving Sustainability


—Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, President of Iceland, Patron of Driving Sustainability

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