DS10 Forum

Planning is now underway for DS10 in Reykjavík, Iceland in September 2010. We're currently accepting sponsorships and speaker submittals. Click here for more information..

DS09 Forum

Held September 14-15, 2009, DS09 was a major success with over 200 people in attendance from 25 countries. For a full summary of DS09 click here.

DS08 Forum

On September 14th and 15th 2009, leading international experts, policy makers and visionaries covered topics that included electric mobility, the future of biofuels and energy efficiency in land and sea transport, and the latest trends in urban planning, energy infrastructure and policy. Visit the DS08 website.

DS07 Forum

On September 14th and 15th 2009, leading international experts, policy makers and visionaries covered topics that included electric mobility, the future of biofuels and energy efficiency in land and sea transport, and the latest trends in urban planning, energy infrastructure and policy. Visit the DS07 website.

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County against fourteen internet payday lenders to enforce investigative subpoenas and to enjoin their usurious lending activities in West Virginia. “need money today uk” are short-term
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West Virginia Lending and Credit Rate Board limits interest rates in shopper loans to 180th once a year. The loans created by the net payday lenders sued by the Attorney General have interest rates starting from 600% to more than 800% per annum and, therefore, such loans are usurious as a
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commencement of additional proceedings Respondent shall pay to the state of Michigan, a civil ?ne within the amount of $4,500. Respondent shall further pay the ?ne inside 30 days of the invoice date as indicated on the OF IR invoice. Respondent shall not engage in any violations of sections of the Act identified in paragraph 5 of this Order. Respondent agrees to
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