We Solve Urgent Problems for Today's Cities

Climate change is a problem shared by all of us. The large scale emission of greenhouse gases by our outdated transportation systems and technology is a major contributor to this problem. The good news is that we have solutions available to us now, we just need to accelerate their implementation.

Pollution, traffic and climate change are urgent challenges faced by cities today.
Even global warming skeptics agree that the burning of fossil fuels pollutes the environment and that the rapid depletion of these resources calls for new solutions.

Investment in new infrastructure and technology is not happening fast enough.
Although all agree on the urgency of solving these problems, investment has not reached the level needed and investment programs have not managed to have the desired effect due to lack of comprehensive strategies.

City leaders are under great pressure to generate results.
Controlling consumption, adopting new technologies and introducing new policies to meet global environmental commitments are all imminent and massive tasks.

Our Tool is the DS Process

We accelerate change by implementing an integrated three step process. The process is designed to identify the problems and opportunities in transportation, finding the most sensible solutions and following through on their implementation.

We begin by putting together a task force composed of members of our seasoned staff and partners that recruit local team members and identifies issues a city faces. Once the evaluation is complete and the potential understood, we prepare for the acceleration stage.

We design a Driving Sustainability Conference where specialists present ideas and solutions that resolve a city’s problems. At the conference, business people, politicians,scientists and other interested parties get a chance to debate the various issues while the media engages the public in supporting the most sensible solutions.

In this stage the we encourage the implementation of solutions by generating interest among international and local investors. The conference continues to be the catalyst for further progress in mobility.

Our Process Produces Tangible and Sustainable Results

Upon completion of our three step process, a city is better equipped to take on the challenges of system change. Important preparatory work has taken place, the issues have been debated openly, world renowned specialist have lent their opinion and stakeholders collectively begin working on a sensible, actionable agenda.

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